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3 Fall Plumbing Tips


If you live in Nebraska, you are probably starting to think about what you need to do to get your plumbing ready for another cold winter. It is important to prepare for the winter season during the fall before the winter brings the snow and ice. Not taking action, could cause you to face some big headaches and costly repairs if the Nebraska winter is like it was last year. Fall is the perfect time to check areas of your plumbing to get them winter ready because the weather is cooler, grass and bushes typically no longer need to be watered, and leaves are falling off the trees. Checking things like gutters, hose bibs, and sump pumps will help to prevent possible problems in the coming cold months.

One of the most important items to address is turning off your hose bib (or outside faucet) prior to the winter months. You will want to start by removing any hoses or attachments. Once garden hoses are unattached, make sure to completely drain any water from it prior to storing it away for the season. Water left in your garden hose could cause it to crack if the hose should be in freezing temps over the winter months. Once the hose or attachments have been removed from the hose bib, make sure the faucet is turned off completely. Once the faucet is off, be sure to shut off the water supply line (typically located inside of the home) to the hose bib. If you notice any leaks from your hose bib when turning it off, you may want to look into having a frost-proof hose bib installed before the first frost of the winter season. Turning off the water supply to an outdoor hose bib is important because if not turned off correctly, water can freeze in the supply line and cause pipes to burst, causing major water damage to your home.

Gutters and downspouts are drain systems on the outside of your home. It is important to ensure that your gutters and down spouts are in good working order and cleared of any debris. Once the leaves have finished dropping, be sure to clean them out of the gutters and down spouts. When leaves become compacted, they hold water slowing the flow of waste water away from your home. Additionally, the leaves can plug up your drain lines, causing basements to flood. Water left in gutters will eventually freeze and could also cause larger issues to your home.

Sump pumps typically work the hardest during rainy season as their primary function is to remove water as it collects. Ensuring that your sump pump is in proper working order in the fall will keep you from a potential mess when snow starts to melt away and will keep you from needing service before the rainy season. In the fall, you will want to disconnect and clean the pump to remove any dirt, sediment, or small stones that have settled in the pump. At this time, clean any dirt off of the pump. If possible, remove the grate from the bottom of the pump and clean it separate. Model specific instructions may be available for fall cleaning tips when cleaning the sump pump. After cleaning, ensure that you check the discharge line for the sump pump to ensure it is clear of any obstructions.

If you are needing assistance with fall maintenance and the plumbing tips provided, give your Sweet Plumbers at American Rooter Plumbing a call today.

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